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Welcome to Winterset Ski Club...
For people who love to ski and snowboard
- or always thought they'd like to try!

HomeSocial Events
Along with skiing in the winter months, Winterset provides social events for club members to get together.  

It has become our practice to host social events during the months that we do not have a ski event planned. We kick-off the new ski year with an event which is typically held in September. Our Open House/Raffle Event usually takes place in late November or early December.  Then we have a few months of ski trips - day, weekend or week long, bringing us to the spring.

Spring usually means a Pot Luck Dinner hosted at one of the club members homes, and in the past has proven to have fabulous food and is a great time to reminisce about your skiing adventures.  Months that we do not have a planned event we usually offer an Adult Wing or Pizza Night, hosted at an area restaurant.   The club provides the appetizers and members are responsible for buying their own drinks.  As we have a good many beer drinking members, we have also have these social events at a local brewery quite often.

This is a great opportunity to meet other members, learn about the club, and enjoy a fun night out.